Sunday, August 16, 2009

California Home Owner Insurance Rates -- Paying Less Without Compromising Quality Coverage

We all want a very affordable rate that comes with adequate coverage. But how can this happen? Let's look at some proven ways of achieving just that...

1. Fixing dead-bolt locks on all exterior door will bring down your California homeowner's insurance rate. They will make it harder for burglars to break into your house. The more protected your home is against burglary, the better the risk involved in insuring it.

2. Lower your homeowners' liability coverage while you get an umbrella policy instead and you will reduce your rate considerably. Why this is highly recommended is that it even offers you better coverage at a cheaper rate.

You have home liability coverage to ensure you don't incur losses due to injury to someone on your property. Moreover, if a lawsuit emerges from such an injury, it also takes care of it. It does all these within a specified limit. That is, there is an amount to which you're covered.

On the contrary, an umbrella insurance policy generally gives enough coverage limits that can usually take care of the craziest lawsuits for very insignificant premium.

3. If you get a sprinkler you will get a discount. They make a home less vulnerable to fire damage and so makes your home a better risk. Being a better risk means you get more affordable premiums. Although they are by no means cheap, they'll bring you remarkable discounts. You can repay over several years thus lowering the difficulty in paying the amount involved in such a project.

4. You'll likely reduce your premium if you take time out to review your California home owner's insurance policy at least once yearly or whenever things change in your house. That rare rug Aunt Molly gave you mightn't just be worth the $10,000 you insured it for at the moment.

Reduce your coverage by the same percentage if it has dropped in value and this will help you save while maintaining sufficient coverage. However, remember that doing this could also reveal that it's now worth much more and therefore require that you increase your coverage. Whichever way it goes, your best interest is being protected in either savings or maintaining sufficient coverage.

5. Do you have fire escapes in your home? If you do then make it known to your agent and see what discounts you can get. Don't fail to inform your agent even if all you have in place as fire escapes are rope ladders. Make sure you have a fire escape unless you do not want to benefit from this savings opportunity. In order to guarantee that this will get you a discount, find out from your agent what your insurer considers a standard fire escape.

6. You can see savings of hundreds of dollars on your home insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from quote sites. The best way is to visit a minimum of five sites and making sure that you give the same (correct) information about yourself. I advise that you use at least five quotes sites because that will make it less likely that you'll miss out offers not carried by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing more thorough comparisons thus increasing your chances of getting more for less.

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