I realize that all my posts have been 'help me decide' lately - but I have been making so many decisions and processing so many projects that looking at inspiration photos seems, well, uninspiring. I am looking for some fabric to make cushions for my Chinoiserie chairs and below is a collection of really lovely and fun fabric choices that are all available for under 20 dollars per yard (some are 50% off at joannfabrics.com right now).
I thought you guys out there in the blogosphere might enjoy them - also to be fair some of these fabrics are not upholstery material - but I thought I would include them anyways as I am considering making some throw pillows as well.... And if you have any recommendations for me in the process - you know I love them!

Sanibel in Apple Green

Kimino Olive White Slub

Python Tendril Green Daffney

Essence in Spa

Essence in Leaf

Coral Cascade in Lime

Essence in Citrine

Ginseng Pine Celery

Tunisa Chartreuse
Daisy Chain Natural Daisy Bouquet

Palm Beach

Snow Flower Aqua Snow Geo

Daisy Chain Kiwi Mosaic

Monaco Green Fern

Deer Valley Azure Lodge Lattice

Positano Moss


Tunisia Chartreuse

Tazo Texture Chartruse

Snow Flower Black Snow Geo

Flights Of Fancy

Carrie Espresso White

Canopy Black Linen

Carrie Black White

Accord Black

Tunisa Black White

Black & White Abstract

Black /White Peach Skin

Navy Blue White Shirting


Chippendale fretwork

Natural Elegance II Bassett Hall Onyx

The Garden lattice Onyx

Lovely Lattice in Caviar

Black Duck Ticking

Canopy Black

Wildthing Oynx

Chevron Black

Ivory / Black Double Knit

Summer Soiree Chevron

Summer Soiree Animal Party

Deer Valley Goldenrod Lodge Lattice

Yellow Duck Ticking

Flights of Fancy

Key West

Floored Sandstone

Midwest Modern - Honeycomb

Flights Of Fancy

Daisy Chain Grey Daisy

Carrie Lipstick

Traditions Lipstick Red Linen

Canopy Lipstick

Tunisa Lipstick

Large Peony Floral Red

Geranium Floral Ivory

Criss Cross in Cardinal

Coral Cascade in Petal

Madison Lipstick Linen

Floral Lipstick Red Chocolate

Pinking Flower Red

Lodge Lattice Peony

Noveau Bouquet Gold

Avery Texture Tabasco

Acree Hvy Basket Lapis

Criss Cross in Navy

Cadence Thai Blue

Blue Duck Ticking


Navy/White Batik

Curly-Q Spring

Adriana Capri Indoor Outdoor

Harmonics Essence in Sunset

IO Cheetah Natural

Giraffe Java Natural

Key West Chocolate



Cheetah Print Earth

Theorique Chocolat

Baldwin - Wisteria

Sudan Sage

August fields Sunrise Grey

Tree Peony HAR Scarlett

Hazelmere 25217 Sage

Dorset Multi

Aria ML Coral

Carone Chestnut

Trieste Watermelon

Lyndora Cr Multi

Serifina Summer

South Hampton - Berry


Harmonics Harmony Sunset

Suzani Jewel

Maldives Lapis

Pheasant Floral

Yellow Floral Linen Look Shirting

Cream Floral Print Linen

Matisse Sprays Apple Green

White Multi Twill

Black Multi Lawn

Sophia Orange

White Stripe Sateen
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