Satu kamar untuk Semua [Index]
Satu kamar untuk Semua "Saya ingin mata yang sederhana namun cathcing," kata Moch. Maulana ZP., Yang didukung oleh istri Kanny Savitri ketika ditanya oleh Ceilano Borndahl Kuropatkin arsitek. Ya, ini yang sangat muda dengan beberapa rumah seperti yang terlihat sederhana namun tetap terlihat menarik dan menonjol. Selain itu, mereka juga ingin bahwa ada banyak ruang dan dapat menampung hingga berbagai kegiatan yang berada di rumah.
Pasangan yang suka sepak bola dan warna merah ini, juga sangat memperhatikan detil yang dibuat di rumah mereka, agar tampak lebih indah. Konsultasi dan diskusi dengan arsitek yang juga merupakan teman lama mereka dilakukan untuk mencapai hasil maksimal. Banyak dari ide-ide mereka yang akhirnya dipakai untuk detil desain rumah ini, seperti penggunaan keramik mozaik, dan pemilihan warna.
Ruang keluarga yang multifungsi
Remy dan Kanny, sapaan akrab keduanya menginginkan sebuah rumah yang tidak terlalu banyak ruang. Bagi mereka yang penting ruang-ruang dasar kebutuhan mereka sudah terpenuhi, seperti ruang tidur utama dan tambahan, dapur, ruang makan, ruang keluarga, ruang keluarga, dan area layanan.
Satu hal yang mereka lupa Beno arsitek, terdapat satu kamar yang dapat dimaksimalkan di tengah rumah. Hal ini karena mereka ingin agar rumah mereka yang kecil dapat menjadi acara keluarga yang akan sering diadakan.
Oleh karena itu akhirnya Beno membuat sebuah ruang keluarga yang "tanpa batas". Ruang keluarga ini sengaja tidak lepas dari sekat untuk makan, dan malam adalah sebuah ruang rumah ini.
Divider dibuat hanya untuk memisahkan ruang tamu dengan ruang keluarga. Ini pada awalnya Kanny dan Remy tidak ingin memisahkan ruang keluarga dan ruang keluarga, tapi akhirnya dengan beberapa pertimbangan juga diberikan kamar pembatas.
Jadi tidak memakan ruang wilayah, kemudian menggunakan ruang tamu dan teras ditutup dengan tembok. Antara ruang keluarga dan dapur, diberi batasan yang sangat terbuka, sehingga lampu hijau ke dalam dapur yang unik adalah aksen di ruang yang didominasi oleh warna putih.
Lampu merah-dinding
Sehingga rumah ini tampak menonjol dan mudah dikenali di lingkungan, maka dibuatlah sebuah bidang vertikal di depan rumah ini. Awalnya dinding ini akan batu alam, tapi karena biaya yang terlalu besar untuk sebuah dinding, maka Beno juga mengusulkan untuk menggunakan cat dinding sebagai pengganti batu alam. Karena pasangan ini adalah seperti warna merah, maka diputuskanlah untuk menggunakan cat merah, yang akan muncul untuk membuat rumah ini sangat menarik. S = Kompas
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Home » Archives for June 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Satu kamar untuk Semua
Posted by ve at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Colani Rotor House
Hanse Colani Rotor House
Posted by Admin Architecture | 01 Nov 04 | stumble
hanse_haus_colani_oct_04.jpgCompact four rooms in a house.
Designer Luigi Colani has created space-saving house with six square meters cylinder that has inside a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Cylinder rotates left or right bringing the room you want to view the main hall. Has a separate bathroom and a small hallway, and all be controlled remotely. The house was designed for young professionals who need minimal space while they focus on career ...//
Posted by ve at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Art Theft Claims Still Unsettled
Stolen Nazi Art: Bloomberg .com updates progress (or lack thereof) being made toward settling stolen art claims from the Hitler era. The Nazis stole some 600,000 pieces of art. I had no idea the number was that high. It's been 70 years, let's get this done.
Poor Unloved Renters: David Pugh says renters need love. If not love, then at least insurance. Renters need home inventories too, by the way.
Insurance Agents Under Stress Too: Claims Journal says that "bad apple" insurance agents are tempted to protect their livelihoods through insurance fraud in tough economic times like these.
I want to take this time to emphasize how important it is to have a good working relationship with your insurance agent. This protects you in two ways: 1) Your agent has a vested interest in keeping you happy, and he will be more likely to go to bat for you in a claim situation if he is familiar with you and knows your character, and 2) You will be more likely to get of sense of how he does business the more often you meet with him. If you have some questions about his business practices, find someone else you can have confidence in. You need a trustworthy representative.
A. J. Farley owns Farley Home Services (, an inventory service for all who own homes, small businesses, rental property, or who are tenants. Please visit our site. Thanks!
Labels: Agent, Collectibles, Home Inventory, Insurance, Renters, Special Collections
Posted by ve at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hurricane News, Cute Puppies, and Madoff Update
The Northeast Needs To Get Prepared: The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) recently published guidelines for personal disaster preparedness. As you may know, the Atlantic Hurricane Season runs June 1st to November 30th, and residents of coastal states need to spend some time attending to these tasks in anticipation of storms that will threaten New England this season. Excerpt:
Make a record of your personal property. Keep an itemized list of your furniture, clothing and valuables to assist adjusters in case of a claim. Back it up with photographs or video.
I know I sound like a broken record regarding home inventory. Crack, pop, hiss. No apologies made.The High Price of Dog Ownership Just Got Higher: I know, I know. Dogs are adorable and bring great joy to our lives. I know that the companionship they offer is without peer. I know that the world is a better place because of our domesticated dogs. Our dog Lucy is a lovable mutt and my family thinks the world of her.
I also know that dog ownership is expensive. Kennel bills, veterinary bills, dog food, chew toys; as if it wasn't enough already, now your insurance carrier may be charging you higher rates on your homeowners policy beacuse of your little adorable pooch. Fido may even one day be the cause of your insurance carrier cancelling your policy. WooHoo!
CBS Reports Feds Ask For 150 Years For Madoff: Federal prosecutors trying the case of disgraced financier Bernie Madoff, who masterminded one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history (I'm sure that some of you would say this distinction belongs to Social Security), have asked the judge to sentence him to 150 years, the maximum imprisonment available for his crimes. Madoff is 71.
Federal sentencing guidelines allow for the 150-year term, prosecutors said. Any lesser sentence, they added, should still be long enough to send a forceful message and "assure that Madoff will remain in prison for life."
While I understand the need for a strong message to be sent and that Madoff is clearly guilty of this massive fraud, I also understand that the money on those statements was always phantom money and that it's never coming back because it never existed in the first place, regardless of whether Madoff dies in jail or not. Madoff didn't steal billions of dollars. He repeatedly lied, and in so doing created billions of phantom dollars out of thin air. Certainly investors gave him lots of money that they have now lost, but the actual amount "invested" with Madoff is far smaller than the numbers reported in the press.
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home Services (, your one stop shop for all your home inventory needs. Whether you own a home, a small business, or rental property, you need to document your belongings. We take care of tenants as well!
Labels: Family LIfe, Home Inventory, Hurricanes, Insurance, Massachusetts
Posted by ve at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Music Memorabilia In The News:
Beatles: A recent auction of music memorabilia included an autographed Sgt Pepper's poster that netted $52,500 at Christie's in New York.
Kurt Cobain: Christie's also recently sold one of Kurt Cobain's original bass guitars, a Sears model, for nearly $44,000.
Jimmy Hendrix, David Bowie, and Brian Jones: Christie's is selling a number of guitars belonging to these artists, among others, next week in London.On The Soccer Front: These are heady days for fans of the Nats, as our men defeated Spain yesterday 2-0 in the semi-finals of the Confederations Cup being played in South Africa, home of next year's World Cup. Spain came into the match ranked number one in the FIFA world rankings and riding a 15 match winning streak and a 36 match unbeaten streak dating back to November 2006.
Only last week the US men were embarrassed on the world stage by two frustrating group play losses to global powers Italy and Brazil. It's amazing how quickly one's fortunes can turn. Next up, the Confederations Cup championship being played this Sunday, 2 pm Eastern on one of the ESPNs against either Brazil (wouldn't that be sweet) or South Africa. I'm glad so many in the mainstream sports media are talking about this now. Soccer usually only gets a once over if any coverage at all.
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home services, an inventory service for homeowners, tenants, landlords, and small business owners. Please visit for more information, and thanks for reading!
Labels: Collectibles, Soccer, Special Collections
Posted by ve at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Some Gardens for Inspiration
image via gardenrooms

image via gardenrooms
image nytimes
It has rained for a whole week here so everything is green, green green!
Labels: Gardens
Posted by ve at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Some Gardens for Inspiration
image via gardenrooms

image via gardenrooms
image nytimes
It has rained for a whole week here so everything is green, green green!
Labels: Gardens
Posted by ve at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
In Defense of The Bow Tie
Never Out Of (Or In) Style: I add the following link with little comment, mainly an excerpt:
This means adopting pieces that can be downright nerdy on almost everyone else, but transforming it with confidence and a good eye to make a bow tie the hippest thing around.
It's all about the attitude, my friends. As further evidence, I site the following . . .
The Man's Got Nothing Left To Prove: The Wisconsin State Journal has this article about Thor Pettersen, a 93 year old "chick magnet."
While others wear T-shirts, Pettersen sports a bow tie and cardigan. He likes to feel dressed up, he said. He wore the same outfit during his career as an engineer with the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company.
What a great story. I want to meet Mr. Pettersen some day.
Unlikely Outcome: So long as we're not talking business today, I want to speak up for the Men's National (Soccer) Team (who desperately need a nickname). Our boys are currently competing in South Africa (home of next year's World Cup) in a tournament called the Confederations Cup.
Group play came first, and the men found themselves in a group with Italy (reigning World Cup champions), Brazil (reigning Confederations Cup champions, and the most successful soccer nation in the history of the game), and Egypt (African champions). Pretty tough draw. They played Italy first and lost 3-1. They played Brazil next and lost 3-0, and looked downright terrible doing so. Yesterday they had to beat Egypt by at least 3 goals and Brazil had to beat Italy by at least 3 goals in order for the USA to advance out of the group stage into the knockout stage. The planets alligned, and both of those things happened! It was incredible!
So now the men move on to play Spain (defending European champions, and number one ranked team in the world right now) on Wednesday afternoon. The winner of that game advances to the championship game on Sunday against either Brazil or South Africa. Yesterday was the most fun I've had as an American soccer fan in a good long while.
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home Services, producing home inventory documentation for home and small business owners, tenants, and landlords (although you'd never know it from today's blog entry). Please visit for more details. Thanks!
Posted by ve at 4:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Re-living area of the flat
Case Study 15
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Re-living area of the flat
Project description
This client has lived in a converted Victorian house is flat. They had a small kitchen with a false ceiling, which was separated by a partition wall of living room. The customer wanted to create a spacious feel, and add more light into the balcony.
The architect, the subtle changes that had a significant impact on the look of a flat. As part of the bulkhead project was canceled, the original coving was restored to open the French windows, ugly corner of the pipes were installed and a new kitchen.
The results of the project combined the two spaces, and showing all the best features of this Victorian flat.
£ 15,000
Posted by ve at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Home Improvemen
Ome Improvement: Outdoor
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Posted by ve at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Minimalist bedroom for my girl....
Minimalist bedroom tables for "My Girl" PDF Print E-Mail
Thursday, 18 June 2009 20:28
View 1
Posted by ve at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Home Inventory On TV!
It's On The Television, So It Has To Be True: Tallahassee's WCTV has a recent story about the start of hurricane season that includes, you guessed it, the need for you to complete a home inventory.
Keep Me In The Loop: I found an article from a paper called the (Suburban Chicago) Daily Herald that spurred my thinking about home improvements and insurance. In my experience, people have been sometimes reluctant to let their insurer know about home improvements, because they felt that the insurer was just wanted to raise their rates. Not true my friends! Your agent wants to make sure you are getting the best coverage for your money. You should never intenionally put yourself in a postition of being under-insured, and improving your home by X dollars without increasing your coverage at least a corresponding amount does just that and frankly isn't very smart. Look at this excerpt:
To illustrate, say you obtained $200,000 in coverage several years ago but the remodeling job you completed in '07 and the work that you're planning now would add another $75,000 to the cost of rebuilding the house if it was destroyed. The insurer would likely be obligated to pay a maximum of $200,000, less any deductible the policy includes: You would then have to pay the rest of the reconstruction costs from your own pocket.
Why would you do that? Call your agent, raise your policy amount, and quit your whining! (Of course I'm joking about the whining part.) The other place where people are most likely under-insured is personal property (contents) coverage. In order to know that you are adequately insured there, you need a home inventory, and we can help!
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home Services ( Farley Home Services produces home inventory documentation for cheapskates and big-spenders alike. You can reach A. J. at Thanks!
Labels: Florida, Home Inventory, Insurance, Video
Posted by ve at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A Case for the Mirrored Option
image via layers of meaning

image via ebay

image from this is glamerous

image via Design Ties

image via decorpad
Labels: Design Detail
Posted by ve at 3:07 PM 0 comments
A Case for the Mirrored Option
image via layers of meaning

image via ebay

image from this is glamerous

image via Design Ties

image via decorpad
Labels: Design Detail
Posted by ve at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Opinions needed!!
So this is one of my NYC street finds - it is missing the glass - presumably why it was thrown out originally . I am torn on what to do with it exactly. The room that we are using as our living room right now doesn't have any windows just doorways to other rooms that have windows so I was hoping that this piece would glam it up/ reflect light in a nice way.
But I need help because I cant make up my mind AT ALL. So please any feedback or ideas is appreciated - I have 4 options here to choose from (please forgive my photo shop silliness). The thing is I love the color of the wood but it does feel a bit dated and since it was free I am not too concerned about 'ruining' it. What do you think?
CHOICE 1 buy a new piece of glass - keep old wood color

CHOICE 2 buy a new piece of glass - paint glossy white color

CHOICE 3 buy a new piece of glass that is mirrored - keep old wood color (my least favorite of all of them)

CHOICE 4 buy a new piece of glass that is mirrored - paint wood color ( to gaudy? fresh?)
Labels: Refinishing Furniture
Posted by ve at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Opinions needed!!
So this is one of my NYC street finds - it is missing the glass - presumably why it was thrown out originally . I am torn on what to do with it exactly. The room that we are using as our living room right now doesn't have any windows just doorways to other rooms that have windows so I was hoping that this piece would glam it up/ reflect light in a nice way.
But I need help because I cant make up my mind AT ALL. So please any feedback or ideas is appreciated - I have 4 options here to choose from (please forgive my photo shop silliness). The thing is I love the color of the wood but it does feel a bit dated and since it was free I am not too concerned about 'ruining' it. What do you think?
CHOICE 1 buy a new piece of glass - keep old wood color

CHOICE 2 buy a new piece of glass - paint glossy white color

CHOICE 3 buy a new piece of glass that is mirrored - keep old wood color (my least favorite of all of them)

CHOICE 4 buy a new piece of glass that is mirrored - paint wood color ( to gaudy? fresh?)
Labels: Refinishing Furniture
Posted by ve at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Black white and read all over
image via blackwhiteyellow
image via habituallychic
I also started to read this book ( a little summer treat for my self)

and this one

Did you know you can buy used books on amazon? the prices are amazing (sometimes on 79 cents for a book (although there is still 3.99 shipping). But when you do you are often supporting a lot of small used bookstore businesses. That is how our neighborhood bookstore (in our tiny town) is able to stay open here because they do so much business over Amazon :D. Not to mention the total luxury of getting a book you want to read sent to your house for only 5 dollars.
Posted by ve at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Black white and read all over
image via blackwhiteyellow
image via habituallychic
I also started to read this book ( a little summer treat for my self)

and this one

Did you know you can buy used books on amazon? the prices are amazing (sometimes on 79 cents for a book (although there is still 3.99 shipping). But when you do you are often supporting a lot of small used bookstore businesses. That is how our neighborhood bookstore (in our tiny town) is able to stay open here because they do so much business over Amazon :D. Not to mention the total luxury of getting a book you want to read sent to your house for only 5 dollars.
Posted by ve at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Change Is Good!
Isn't it nice when you see a friend continue to grow and develop? My mother-in-law is a classically trained musician, holding a Master's Degree in Piano Performance from Indiana University, a fine music school. She has a great love and appreciation for classical music, with a large collection of recorded music on display (and playing) in her home. She has played the piano (or keyboard) at our church for nearly forty years. As you can imagine, the music style in our church, like most churches these days, has changed a good bit over the last five years. The music team has included many of the newer praise and worship songs and incorporated new instruments and musicians as part of the team. Over the years, my mother-in-law has gone from being the church's only musician to one of a growing and diverse group. Many musicians in her situation would have grown tired of the changes and abandoned their post. But I'm grateful to say that "Nana" hasn't done so. It's encouraging to me to see her continuing to learn new song styles and new media. She's even on Facebook now!
Change is inevitable. We can embrace it or we can be left behind by it.
You'll be seeing some changes over the coming months to Farley Home Services products and services, as well as our online presence and this blog. I want to announce the first or these changes this morning.
The goal of a home inventory is to recover Every Single Item that you have lost. is the web's new home for Farley Home Services. You will see some minor changes to our site when you visit now, but there will be some major renovations in time. (The Farley Home Services address will still get you there, but it will look slightly different when you arrive.) Eventually this blog will migrate over to that main site.
Coming later this fall . . . an online do-it-yourself option for home inventory brought to you exclusively by Farley Home Services. I'm very excited about this prospect. More about that as the roll-out date approaches.
These are busy days for us here. Good changes are coming!
Farley Home Services produces home inventory documentation for landlords, tenants, small business owners, and homeowners. Please visit for more details.
Labels: Home Inventory
Posted by ve at 4:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Insurance Rate Hikes Likely Coming Your Way
Vicious Cycle: Saturday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that four of the top insurers in the state of Georgia have requested rate hikes for the coming year, affecting nearly 40% of the state's consumers. State Farm, First Liberty, Cotton States, and Nationwide have filed increases that fall between 5 and 11 percent, modest by insurance company standards but huge for the rest of the financial world. Rates are also on the rise in Illinois, Texas, and Florida among others.
Even with such increases, Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine said consumers are doing better than those in neighboring states, where he said premiums have been rising at double-digit rates. “We are by far the cheapest in the Southeast,” he said.
That makes you folks in Georgia feel A LOT better, doesn't it?
Allstate On The Mend: The Wall Street Journal says Allstate has learned some tough lessons over the past year and is ready to bounce back. When the WSJ has something good to say about a publicly traded insurance carrier, that generally means that the company's shareholders should be excited and the company's clients should be afraid. We'll see how this one turns out in the next year.
California Fire Season Starting Soon: Insurance and fire officials are warning California residents that it's that time of year again according to the Los Angeles Daily News.
[California Insurance Commissioner Steve] Poizner urged Californians to secure adequate fire insurance, record home inventory by film or video, have a preparation kit and draft a family action plan in the event of a fire. "Don't get burned twice: Update your assets with your insurance company," Poizner said.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Farley Home Services provides home inventory documentation. we serve small business owners as well! Please visit for more details.
Labels: Allstate, Georgia, Home Inventory, Insurance, insurance commisioners, State Farm, Wildfires
Posted by ve at 4:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Insurers On The Move
Farm Bureau: According to Farm Bureau, this storm season promises to be one of the most active ones in the past ten years. We've already seen that here in Tennessee. The link says that as part of your storm preparedness you need a home inventory.
State Farm: Will resume writing homeowners insurance in Mississippi according to the Jackson Clarion Ledger. This is very good news for the consumers of Mississippi. I'll just be curious to see how many residents of the state will forgive State Farm and come back to them.
Short Post This Morning: My wife's family is having a reunion this weekend, so I'm going to play golf in a few hours with a bunch of her uncles and cousins. I married into a wonderful family! I play golf so infrequently these days, and I like to get my money's worth by taking a lot of swings along the way.
Farley Home Services Provides inventory documentation to frustrated golfers everywhere. Please visit to see how you will benefit from the service we provide.
Labels: Family LIfe, Home Inventory, Insurance, State Farm
Posted by ve at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
And The Most Impressive Kitchen Garden For Last.
images Martha Stewart
Labels: Gardens
Posted by ve at 9:03 AM 0 comments